Monday, September 12, 2022

Give honor to those in Authority

 (Queen Elizabeth died this week )

Love how the Joe and Josephine Blows of our  world in their millions are celebrating the Queen (Queen Elizabeth died this week ) and the idea of a head of State that is beyond politics. There is a sense of unity there that doesn't and can't be spelt out in Law.  

Their queen was like the one who footsteps she followed in was  a listener . 

The usurpers are in a muddle, but we all go into a huddle and rejoice because there is something beyond  the pretences of power . All our power is still weakness and failure   and we must at time s admit it and go forward in a way which accepts the truth .  We must know love to  really move on 

Was talking to a friend recently who feels he never told his now deceased mother that he loved her. 

We both realized ( thinking about our parents and their imperfections ) that if we remembered that our duty is to honor our parents and not necessarily to agree with them, we could say " I love you "( and they back on the same basis )  without hesitation . 

As we were taught by the Master , we don't have to agree with everything you say or did  but we can still love you, It's more that a feeling,  its acceptance and forgiveness and something we should strive to say to each other just as it has been said to us .