Thursday, July 18, 2024

How to jump back into the idea of Marriage

 It's a terrible State of cynicism we are in in 2024 and it's been some time in coming . For women who thought they liberated themselves, it's going to take some time to realize they haven't and they can't.

In our treatment of each other and the earth ,we have ALL gone the wrong way , justified the path and its desert like dryness WHEN we can ALL can make things new again by going to confession, turning around to see the cul de sac and its real nature .... about our attitude and mindset. We can all reset our sails and ditch the bitching.

Marriage is the best provided you find the right attitude to it .
We would be unwise to JUST see OUR problems as the worst because that cynicism about human nature pervades all things we do and are involved in. This deep hole reality then is therefore not new or as threatening as moderns make it ( as if its a revelation and , worse than that -its " the other blokes problem), We still haven't moved back to the position our forebears came to where we go to confession and start all over again - in new direction with a new view.
Sure we have all broken the rules , in our minds everyday , and we will again , But for Today decide to be faithful . Go on then ...Give yourself a clean sheet and start all over again